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本地音樂人、電影導演及編劇花天亮除了音樂了得,連導、演都一樣掂!二○一三年拍攝第一套音樂微電影《Silent Note》,至今拍攝超過二十部微電影,今年由他執導及主演的電影《情斷心弦》今(8)日假澳門旅遊塔上映,阿花受訪時感慨道:“還記得去年十二月五日我們四位演員第一次圍讀劇本,今年的同一天竟還一起走紅地毯,感覺很夢幻。過程雖然艱辛,但值得!”

An array of world-renowned film stars are attending the 4th International Film Festival and Awards Macao which opened yesterday. More than 50 local and international films are being screened during the six-day festival, alongside filmmaking competitions, masterclasses, special retrospective screenings and a marketplace for industry insiders and budding filmmakers to pitch projects.
