
November 2019

第四屆澳門國際影展暨頒獎典禮(IFFAM)將於十二月五日至十日於澳門舉辦。影展旨在提升澳門的國際知名度,讓觀眾關注澳門本地影片乃至世界各地影片,推動電影藝術與電影娛樂產業向前發展。今屆影展特別呈獻“二十周年澳門特別展映”單元,以展示澳門多元化的文化創意產業發展,同時向澳門電影業界致敬。 《情斷心弦》將於十二月八日晚上七時假澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心上映。

The word “experimental” can be related to new and contemporary, avant-garde and the term “experimental music” was first defined and used by John Cage in one of his essay noted that “experimental music is no longer concerned with tonality or atonality, Schoenberg or Stravinsky, nor consonance and dissonance”. Instead, experimentalism approached music from the perspective that sound is more important than what the composer wanted to do with the sound.